Upcoming Forum 2018 - University of tokyo
This August will be the 12th annual STeLA forum, hosted at none other than the best university in Japan. The University of Tokyo, founded in 1877, is considered as one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The university has graduated 11 Nobel Prize winners and 15 Prime Minsters.
The theme of this year’s forum is Smart Cities and Internet of Things. Only a decade ago the first smartphone entered our lives and now we can’t imagine a world without them. These technologies have been developing rapidly, connecting mankind to the Internet, which made impossibilities plausible. Now that we are connected, it is time to connect our cities. Our cities will become smart by creating a continuously communicating network between humans, phones and all everyday devices: The Internet of Things. Such a network contains and creates a vast amount of data. Data which can be collected to solve today’s problems of urbanization. However, is this a scenario for the far future or is it already the present? Do we even want all our devices connected to the internet? Can a smart city be actually worse than we have now? What should we do? These are questions about developments happening right now, contributing to a future we will all experience! However, we may have the questions, but what is your answer?
From the 7th to the 16th of August STeLA will receive students from top universities all over Japan, China, Middle-East, United States, Europe and many more places to discuss technological innovations and leadership. Participants will be taught leadership according to the distributed leadership model developed at MIT Sloan School of Management, learning to work together across disciplines and cultures. Through intense cooperation you will form a tight network of future leaders in science and technology, with the ability to see global issues from a global perspective.
The applications for the 2018 Forum have closed.
We have arranged annual fora in the U.S, Europe, Japan and China since 2007 at some of the worlds best universities like MIT, Stanford, Peking University, TU Delft and the Natural Institution for Youth Education in Japan.
Apart from the annual forum, we arrange several other events and workshops around the world.
STeLA is active on all social media pages. We would love for you to follow us to learn more about leadership and what we do.
For more information, check the About page.